ODULAIR PHARMACY TRAILER ARIZONA Fact: Healthcare is a turbulent industry and technology advancements help to shape new regulations on a daily basis. If you are in the process of refurbishing or you are in the process of construction of your facility, or you are approaching the USP <800> compliance deadline – December 1, 2019, chances are you are looking into buying, renting or leasing a compounding facility. Fear not, because there are easy solutions for your need: The units in Odulair’s fleet – namely Odulair Mobile USP <800> Compounding Pharmacy and Mobile USP <800> Cleanrooms can be swiftly distributed, stationed on-site, and ready to be used at a moment’s notice. Odulair Mobile Pharmacy Clean Room – USP <800> Mobile Compounding Pharmacy – USP <800> Mobile Compounding Pharmacy Trailer by Odulair are perfect for the time you are revamping your facility or you are setting up a new establishment. They prove invaluable in times of emergency or crisis.

Mobile Pharmacy Trailers, Mobile Compounding Pharmacy Trailers, USP 800 Mobile Pharmacy Trailers, and Mobile Cleanroom Trailers by Odulair are available for sale and rental in Arizona.