Negative Pressure Room and How It Impacts Mobile USP <800> Pharmacy

Multiple tests proved the need for a standard shielding healthcare employees. Before the introduction of USP <800>, performed tests of wipe/swab samples revealed contamination problems in the lab compartment and also in break rooms and retail space. The USP has determined comparable results found in most compounding pharmacies throughout the United States. In order to avoid and prevent that, USP <800> introduces negative pressure rooms to eliminate the problems linked to air exchanges between compounding pharmacy labs and other areas. Most compounding labs are positive pressure environments – pressure differentials are likely to cause air exchanges which disperse airborne particles of hazardous drugs outside of the lab, to locations such as retail spaces and break rooms. In the uttermost incident of an incidental chemical spillage, millions of particles are airborne and have a more real potential for exchange and exposure in common areas. In addition, HVAC systems circulate air through pharmacy labs and common spaces, but the lack of filtration system fails to produce clean room air exchanges. HVAC systems were not designed for the purpose of hazardous drug handling.Odulair provides a negative pressure ISO 7 room with tight tolerance for hazardous drug compounding and storage.