ODULAIR MOBILE PHARMACY TRUCK CALIFORNIA Let’s face it – healthcare is a turbulent industry and technology advancements help to shape new regulations on a weekly basis. In case you are in the process of construction or refurbishing your facility, or you are approaching the USP <800> compliance deadline – December 1, 2019, chances are you are looking into buying, renting or leasing a compounding facility. Fear not, because there are easy solutions for your need: USP 800 Modular Clean Room, Mobile Clean Room Trailer Rental, Rental Compounding Trailers or Mobile Compounding Pharmacy. The Odulair Mobile USP 800 Compounding Pharmacy and Mobile USP 800 Cleanrooms can be quickly transported, based on-site, and settled to run in a timely manner. Odulair Mobile Pharmacy Clean Room – USP 800 Mobile Compounding Pharmacy – USP 800 Mobile Compounding Pharmacy Trailer by Odulair are THE choice for disaster relief and emergency response situations.

All Odulair Mobile Pharmacy Trailers, Mobile Compounding Pharmacy Trailers, Mobile Pharmacy Trailers, and Mobile Cleanroom Trailers by Odulair are USP 800 Compliant and available for sale and rental in California.