Hazardous Drugs Compounding Pharmacy: USP 800 Replaces USP 797

If your Compounding Pharmacy facility is built to 797 code, you may want to check the dates that apply to your state, as compounding pharmacies across the United States will have to be in compliance with USP 800 changes in design guidelines. There are new USP 800 guidelines that go well beyond the previously established USP 797 hazardous drug guidelines. It is important to note that USP 800 supersedes USP 797 for Compounding Pharmacies.

Odulair offers Mobile Compounding Pharmacy Trailers and Modular Compounding Pharmacy Units compliant with the new USP 800 guidelines in every aspect. We offer temporary pharmacy rentals of Mobile Cleanroom Trailers and sale of Modular USP 800 Pharmacy Units. Our Mobile Compounding USP 800 Pharmacy and Modular Pharmacy Units are guaranteed to meet the new USP 800 design guidelines. If you’re having trouble spotting where the differences are, they are different in respect to negative pressure environments, it now requires a dedicated space for any hazardous drug compounding, warning signs and demarcation lines for hazardous areas, labeling requirements, and pass thru requirements between areas. Act now and make sure you’re in compliance before it’s too late!